TRIBE - 2019
Research Program
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Research Program
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

LoRa-MAB: A Flexible Simulator for Decentralized Learning Resource Allocation in IoT Networks

Participants : Duc-Tuyen Ta [LRI and Inria] , Kinda Khawam [UVSQ] , Samer Lahoud [ESIB] , Cédric Adjih, Steven Martin [LRI, Université Paris-Saclay] .

LoRaWAN is a media access control (MAC) protocol for wide area networks. It is designed to allow low-powered devices to communicate with Internet-connected applications over long-range wireless connections. The targeted dense deployment will inevitably cause a shortage of radio resources. Hence, autonomous and lightweight radio resource management is crucial to offer ultra-long battery lifetime for LoRa devices. One of the most promising solutions to such a challenge is the use of artificial intelligence. This will enable LoRa devices to use innovative and inherently distributed learning techniques, thus freeing them from draining their limited energy by constantly communicating with a centralized controller.Before proceeding with the deployment of self-managing solutions on top of a LoRaWAN application, it is sensible to conduct simulation-based studies to optimize the design of learning-based algorithms as well as the application under consideration. Unfortunately, a network simulator for such a context is not fully considered or lacks real deployment parameters. In order to address this shortcoming, we have developed an event-based simulator for resource allocation in LoRaWAN. To demonstrate the usefulness of our simulator, extensive simulations were run in a realistic environment taking into account physical phenomenon in LoRaWAN such as the capture effect and inter-spreading factor interference. The simulation results show that the proposed simulator provides a flexible and efficient environment to evaluate various network design parameters and self-management solutions as well as verify the effectiveness of distributed reinforcement-based learning algorithms for resource allocation problems in LoRaWAN.

This paper was published at the conference WCNC 2019  [15].